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Imagine a sad lost orphan wandering the streets of Kolkata (Calcutta) starving and sick with nobody to help him. he falls to the ground his exhaustion overcoming him. Then he sees a figure offering him help he cannot believe it he is astonished at her kindness he was just another lost child wondering the street and she was offering to feed him and put a roof over his head. He stands up his knees wobbling he looks like he's about to collapse again but mother Teresa helps hold and asks him where his parents are. He tells her that his parents died in the war and that he is wondering the streets looking for somewhere to stay the night. So, she helps him walk to the orphanage and pretty much saves his life with her kindness. This is an average day for mother Teresa.


My research on mother Teresa wasn’t much of a challenge because it is so interesting to learn about her and the many things that she has done which meant that I could spend hours at a time reading or looking at websites finding out about her. I also watched a film about called the letters which explored the life of mother Teresa based of letters she sent Father Celeste van Exem a Belgian priest who also used to live in India. Some of the websites I used for my research were Washington post, YouTube, The Jakarta Post, and To summaries this paragraph doing research on mother Teresa was not difficult at all because I had lots of sources of information and learning about her isn't boring

Mother Teresa's family was quite wealthy when she was growing up as a little girl but that does not mean she didn’t have hardships growing up. When Mother Teresa was 8 years old her father sadly passed away. She also lived in India in the slums for most of her life and had to deal with horrible living conditions when she could have been living in a convent which would have been much nicer, she decided to sacrifice to help the poor and lived in the slums instead. Something that would have had a big influence on Mother Teresa's life was that she grew up in a catholic family so she was never challenged on her decision to be a nun. And if she had grown up in a family that want catholic, she might have done something else with her life which would have meant that the 1979 Nobel peace prize would have gone to somebody else, thousands of kids in the slums of India would have remained uneducated, missionaries of charity wouldn't exist and Kalighat home for the dying now known as Kalighat home of the pure heart would not exist leaving thousands of people dying stressfully with no dignity.


Significant events in Mother Teressa life include 


Mother Teresa was born on the 26th august 1910. In 1929 she arrived in India and began teaching at St Mary's high school.  In 1946 she received a call within a call from Jesus on a train to the town of Darjeeling to ‘serve him among the poorest of the poor.’ In 1948 Mother Teresa was permitted to leave her order so she moved to the slums in Kolkata and set up her first school. Then on October 7th 1950 she started missionaries of charity which was a religious congregation with the main goal of giving ‘wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor. She then opened Kalighat home for the pure heart two years later then the next year she opened her first orphanage. In 1979 she won the Nobel peace prize and then she won the 1985 presidential medal of freedom even though she is not American. President Ronald Reagan said that the kindness in mother Teresa's heart transcends national boundaries. Mother Teresa nearly died after she had heart attack for the second time in 1989 and had a pacemaker implanted. Sadly, Mother Teresa passed away on the 5th of September 1997. The last significant point in the timeline of Mother Teresa was when she was cantonized on September 4th, 2016.


Mother Teresa has a lot of achievements I will start with her most illustrious which was when she won the Nobel peace prize in 1979. Her reaction to winning the award was stating that she was unworthy but she could not have been more wrong. An example that shows how kind Mother Teresa is that even when she won an award for her hard work and effort to help the poor, she used the money from the award to help the poor. Mother Teresa also won the Peace and International Understanding Award in 1962 Aswell as the 1985 Presidential medal which is usually an award reserved for Americans, but President Ronald Reagan said the kindness in Mother Teresas heart transcends national boundaries.


But I believe Mother Teresa's biggest achievement isn't winning any awards I believe her biggest achievement is bettering the lives of so many people around the world. And still even though Mother Teresa has been dead for over twenty years she is still bettering others' lives because of the countless charities she set up which still help people today. She has Devoted her life to helping others from the age of eighteen to when she sadly passed away when she was eighty-seven.


Mother Teresa has inspired me by showing that some people have such good hearts that they will devote their whole life to making others' lives better. Mother Teresa has inspired me and probably thousands of others to be better people. 


Mother Teresa's personality was described as determined, kind and loving she had to be determined because otherwise she wouldn’t have felt as much drive to help the poor and many people would have died. And she is obviously kind and loving that’s part of the reason she set up so many charities and helped so many people.  


In conclusion Mother Teresa has Inspired me and lots of others to be better people she has created charities and orphanages around the world, gone through countless hardships and won the Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. So, to ever doubt that mother Teresa is a notable person would be erroneous. 

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