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5th November 1949 

Dear diary today I spent all day out in the slums educating children. Some of the children's parents didn’t like me being there and tried to force me out because they thought I was trying to force my religion on their kids when I was just trying to help. But I persevered and some of the parents where supportive of me which made me feel very appreciated. I taught the kids the first half of the alphabet and more and more of them started to join in and soon I had gathered quite a Crowd but I had to stop eventually and I told them I would be back the next day. The children asked me for food but I am just as poor as them and couldn’t offer them anything.


6th November 1949 I am going to persevere with educating these poor children even if their parents don’t like it because I believe that if I educate them that is what is best for them and they will have a much higher chance at having a successful career and even though the parents of the children think I am trying to poison them with my religion I am not I am just trying to help them to become smarter and more independent so that they can get out of the slums and make a name for themselves 

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