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Open ended questions  

What made you decide to leave home and join a group of Irish nuns at the age of 18? 


Answer I left home because I felt the calling of God and thought it was the right thing to do. It's also where the group of nuns I joined where headed and I had trained for months getting ready to go. 


Do you think you deserved the 1979 Nobel peace prize?


Yes, I think I did because there were no candidates more worthy of the prize than me. What I did cannot be understated as I sacrificed my own comfort and wealth to help the poorest of the poor in the slums of India.


Who are your parents and how have they inspired you?


My parents are Nikolle Bojaxhiu and Dranafile Bojaxhiu 

When I was eight my dad sadly passed away, but he was a businessman and was also involved in politics and there is reason to believe his cause of death was Serbian agents poisoning him. I grew very close to my mother because of this and my decision to be a nun was always supported because both of my parents were catholic. 


How did you help people during World War 2? 

During World War two I helped the kids whose parents had been killed in the India and Pakistan conflict by comforting them and helping to teach them how to read and write. 


How would you describe your friendship with princess Diana? 


Princess Diana is a very homely lively person, and I am honored that I can be friends with such a great person. The charity works she's done is incredible and her work on educating people about HIV is very generous. 


Why did you create missionaries of charity? 

I created missionaries of charity because of Christ's plea to make him known to the poorest of the poor by helping and healing people. 


What are your thoughts on winning the presidential medal of freedom in 1985 

I am very grateful for President Ronald Regan and first lady Nancy Reagan that they have given me this award and I am also very pleased that the American public have welcomed me to their great country with open arms. 


When did you decide you wanted to pursue a career in religion? 

When I was 12 years old, I felt strongly the call of God and I knew to I wanted to spread the love of Christ. That is when I decided that I wanted to be a missionary. 


Why/when did you decide to leave your convent and live among the poorest of the poor? 

On the tenth September 1946 during my train ride to Darjeeling I got a call within a call and decided to live among the poorest of the poor, but it took over a year for me to get permission to leave my order and move to Calcutta. 


What is your most illustrious achievement? 

I do not do what I do for awards because I always reinvest the money into my charities but my most famous award would probably be the 1979 Nobel peace prize. 

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